Keyword: christmas soap, fall soap recipe, holiday soap
Makes: 2pounds
Author: Kelly
1 measuring cups
1 measuring spoons
1 large stainless steel pot
1 large spoon
1 large glass bowl
1 scale
1 rubber spatula
1 dowel rod
1 2lb mold
7ouncesolive oil
6ouncesbabassu oil
4ouncescocoa butter
3ouncescastor oil
2ouncesorganic canola oil
2ouncesshea butter
0.75ouncesvanilla essential oil
¼cupfinely ground cranberries
1tablespoonrose clay
In a large stainless steel pot, combine the olive oil, babassu oil, cocoa butter, castor oil, organic canola oil, and shea butter over medium to low heat. Heat until melted and then move off of burner and allow to cool until around 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Using gloves and goggles, measure lye by pouring it into a zip close bag on a kitchen scale. Set aside and weigh water. Take both outside. Put on a charcoal mask and pour lye into water and stir until it is dissolved. Do not breathe in the fumes. The chemical reaction will end and the fumes will dissipate in a few minutes. Allow to cool to about 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
6.5 ounces water, 3.1 ounces lye
When both oils and lye water has cooled, pour lye water into the pot of oils and blend with a stick blender on and off until light trace (It begins to thicken. Learn more about trace here.).
Add essential oil and cranberries and blend well.
0.75 ounces vanilla essential oil, 1/4 cup finely ground cranberries
Remove 1/4 cup of soap to a separate bowl. Add the rose clay and whisk until there are no lumps.
1 tablespoon rose clay
Pour the main batch into a prepared mold. When soap is at medium to thick trace, pour the rose colored soap back and forth over the soap in the mold. Insert a dowel rod into one corner to the bottom. Pull the dowel rod back and forth across the mold perpendicular to the direction you poured the rose clay.
Cover. Insulate with towels if your home is cool. After 24 hours, remove from mold and cut into bars. If soap is still very soft, leave it in the mold for 12-24 hours and check again. Cure bars in a cool, dry place for 3-6 weeks to harden.