Essential oil dilution is important to know for a lot of reasons, including preparing for children. You can learn more about essential oil safety here.
It’s also convenient to know how to convert oils from milliliters to drops, and ounces to grams when you are crafting with essential oils and larger base carrier oils. I’ll delve more into ounces to grams in an upcoming soap article. For now, I want to concentrate on converting essential oil values. I’ll also go into essential oil dilution and how many drops will make 1%, 2% etc. so that you can dilute effectively and safely.

A good set of essential oil conversion and dilution charts are great for when you are making your own essential oil blends.
Whatever your need may be, I hope I may help you along your path of crafting and becoming more self sufficient.
A question I get a lot is how to convert milliliters of essential oil to drops so I will give you this first.
Essential Oil Conversion and Chart
At times you may come across a recipe that calls for milliliters (ml), ounces (oz), teaspoons (tsp), or even “parts” when you want to use drops for accuracy.
If you have a ratio given as 1:10 essential oils to carrier oils, remember that the first number listed always goes with the first ingredient listed. So, for the above example, 1 part refers to essential oil and the number 10 refers to the carrier oil because this is the order they were listed. For every drop of essential oil you’ll need 10 drops of the carrier oil. This is the same when someone gives parts.
The measurements below are estimates. Some oils are thicker than others, changing the amount of drops it would take to create a milliliter.

Essential Oil Dilution and Chart
Dilutions is another question I get a lot. How many drops of essential oil should I add to my carrier oil to get a 1% dilution? or 5%?
This is a great question, since essential oil dilution is frugal, healthy, and important. Click here for more information on essential oil safety and why you should be diluting essential oils.
Of course, the amount of essential oil you use will depend on how much carrier oil you plan to use. For example, 1% essential oil is 1 drop to 1 teaspoon. But you’ll need 6 drops for 1% dilution in 2 Tablespoons.
I’ve provided the following chart that you can keep handy by pinning to your pinterest board (here’s mine). You can always bookmark, screenshot, or save this page as well.

Remember to dilute well, especially when using anything with children. There are some oils I will not use on children, and even then I will not use essential oils on small children very often. Those ages 6-12 years I dilute at a 1-5% dilution rate, depending on the oil. Learn more about safety with essential oils here.
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