Oil pulling sounds like a funny term. After all, you can’t pull oil. It’s a liquid. But people are hearing more and more about it as the rebels around the world stop to look at alternative methods to health care. So, what is Oil Pulling and what is the purpose and benefit behind it?

Benefits of Oil Pulling?
Most supporters of Oil Pulling with tell you that oil pulling will pull toxins from the lining of your mouth and roots of your teeth, while cleansing from all bacteria growing in the mouth as well.
According to a study by the Indian Journal of Dental Health, ” Oil pulling has been used extensively as a traditional Indian folk remedy for many years for strengthening teeth, gums, and the jaw and to prevent decay, oral malodor, bleeding gums, dryness of the throat, and cracked lips.“ 1
The study that was done in the Journal focused on cavity, plaques, and levels of bacteria in the mouth. The control group used a mouth wash. The results: oil pulling cleansed the mouth and reduced plaques the same as the mouth wash. Those doing the study claimed that oil pulling was more time consuming, but less expensive and highly effective.
Other authors will claim that it heals almost everything under the sun. I don’t think we can qualify everything on “a study that’s been done”, because often studies are only done if there is a cash benefit to the results. This meaning that there are a lot of great traditional methods out there that haven’t been “proven” by some study, but many will tell you that it has helped them in some way. This is one of those things. There are testimonies galore about oil pulling that go beyond the great benefits found in the study above.
One man stated, “‘Wow! This oil pulling stuff really works,” he exclaimed. “My sinuses began to drain immediately. I expelled a lot of dark yellow, gross looking mucous. I’m breathing easier and sleeping better and my headaches are gone!'”
Bruce Fife at the Coconut Research Center gives the analogy that oil pulling through the teethe is like fresh oil in your car. It picks up the grime and muck.
Another benefit I see over and over again from testimonies is that it will whiten your teeth and keep them white. This makes sense, because oil will coat you teeth, not allowing grime to build up.
Even if you don’t believe that it relieves headaches, pulls toxins from your body, or fixes pms, you still have the great benefits of cleansing your mouth, reducing plaques, whitening your teeth, curing bad breath, and placing a protective layer over your teeth.
You can learn more about remineralizing your teeth as well, but know that a lot of oils will also build your teeth up and even help them heal by giving your body the minerals that it lacks in our present day diet so that your teeth, like other bones in your body, can begin to repair themselves.

How Do You Oil Pull?
Very simply: you put a Tablespoon of oil in your mouth and swish it (pull it) around your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. That’s it.
I’ve read that it’s best done on an empty stomach because it will activate the enzymes in your mouth better that way.
I only taste the coconut oil for a few seconds and then I mainly taste my spit…which gets to be a lot…just sayin’
- Place 1 Tbsp of Oil in mouth and swish around for 15-20 minutes. You can even use a drop or two of an essential oil like peppermint.
- Do NOT swallow it (you won’t want to anyway, I’m sure), because if it is pulling toxins from your mouth you don’t want to keep it in your body.
- Spit it into the trash can, not down the drain. You want to avoid clogging drains.
Which Oils Should I Use?
Sesame Oil is the traditional oil used. Coconut oil is the oil of my choice. It has very little taste and is full of great minerals (and I always have it around because I cook with it). You can use other oils like olive, but be aware of their taste. Olive, for example, has a strong taste and I’m not sure I could do it. Please stay away from “vegetable”, “corn” and “canola” oils as they are usually full of toxins because of how they are grown (not to mention that the seeds are mostly gmo now).
There you go! I’d love to hear your experiences – if you’ve tried it, if you think it works…..
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