If you’re reading this, then you’re looking for a simple, easy, healthy way to get rid of fleas naturally or even prevent fleas from entering your home or car in the first place. I’ve put together a compilation of ideas so that hopefully you will find one that you love and that works best for you.
If you have pets, fleas can happen. Even if your home is super clean and you work hard to keep your pets clean, fleas can find their way into your home. In fact, fleas find Fall temperatures to be ideal for breeding, which is why many people see a surge in problems with them. That, combined with thicker fur on dogs and rabbits from the changing weather, can make fleas a true pest.

10 Ways to Get Rid of Fleas Naturally
So, what are some methods to get rid of them without using harsh chemicals that can harm you or your children?
1) The Vacuum
First, most people know that you need to treat the animal as well as the environment, but understand that the Vacuum is one of your best friends in dealing with fleas. It’s a very important part of the process. Don’t hesitate to vacuum 2-3 times a day in a every nook and cranny. Empty the bag or catch container into a container outside of the house.
2) Salt
Although the idea of spreading fine salt all over your carpets seems odd, it does seem to kill fleas and eggs within 10-12 hours. You simply sprinkle salt all over your floors and allow it to sit all night. In the morning, vacuum, vacuum, vacuum. This should solve the problem on your floors, but make sure you clean your pets (see ideas below).
3) Apple Cider Vinegar
This is a very quick solution for flea adults. I’m not sure how effective it is for eggs, but larva and adult fleas die rapidly. I dilute vinegar (apple cider or white) with water in a spray bottle to about 50 or 60% vinegar to water. You can see the fleas die within 10 minutes.
4) Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth is the fossilized remains of plant like single celled organism. It’s safe to use around pets and children. In fact, it’s one option that is recommended to use directly on cats or dogs. Whether sprinkled on carpets, or rubbed into the fur of cats or dogs, allow it to remain for 4-6 hours. Animals will clean themselves, but this is fine as well. After 4-6 hours, bathe your pets and vacuum carpets. You can find some here. Don’t forget about washing bedding!
5) Wash Bedding and Medium to High Heat Drier
Most vets will say that flea eggs, pupae, larva, and adults will all die in even a medium heat drier setting, so if you can fit bedding into the washing machine and drier, then do so. If you’re worried about high heat for some of your other clothing or pillows, then try medium heat first. You should be able to see the dead fleas in the lint catcher.
6) Geraniums for outdoors
Plant geraniums outside during the winter. There are hardy varieties that still produce flowers into the Fall (I have some on my front porch right now). These will help ward off fleas from the immediate area around your house.
7) Geranium Essential Oil
There are a lot of essential oils that are fine to use on and around dogs, especially when properly diluted. Cats are very sensitive though, so always research what essential oil you want to use before use, especially if you have cats!
You can add a few drops of geranium essential oil to your dog’s shampoo before washing, or add a few drops to the apple cider vinegar carpet spray mentioned above.
For use on cats, dilute 1 drop geranium essential oil to 1 Tablespoon olive oil. Use a dropper and spread the cat’s fur between the shoulder blades and apply a few drops to the skin. You can also get a type of geranium called geraniol in a natural gel to apply to your cats here or for dogs here.
8) Cedarwood Essential Oil
Cedarwood is another essential oil that can be used around both dogs and cats. You can use a few drops in their shampoo or to the vinegar spray above. Or try your hand at making your own pet shampoo and add geranium and cedarwood essential oils.
As mentioned before, there are other essentials that may be effective, but can harm cats (e.g. lemongrass), so make sure they are ok before using.
9) Neem Oil
I use neem oil in my vegetable garden to kill harmful insects, being carful to spray in the evening to avoid harming bees and butterflies. It’s another great option for using around cats and dogs. Add 1/4 teaspoon of neem oil and 1/4 teaspoon of dish soap to a 16 ounce spray bottle. Shake well and spray on animals and carpets. You can find some here.
10) Rosemary
Fresh rosemary has a pleasant aroma that helps repel fleas. It’s a great preventative measure. Grow rosemary in potted plants around the house. You can also make a rosemary rinse by placing a handful of fresh rosemary or 1/4 cup of dried rosemary in a saucepan of water and bring to a simmer for 10 minutes. Cool and use as a wash on dogs. Cats do NOT like rosemary washes and some can get sick, so do not use on cats!

These 10 ways to get rid of fleas naturally should in one way or a combination of ways make your life easier, while at the same time making sure your pets and family stay healthy and safe.
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