It’s definitely time for a giveaway! This soap review and giveaway centers on Grandma’s Pure and Natural Soap. I was not given compensation for this review and all views are my own.
All of you by now probably know that I make all of my own soap and LOVE it!!! It’s a fun hobby of mine and I try to make somewhat of a profit to help pay the bills. You can find my soaps in my shop, so please check them out.
But, being the soap lover and scrutinizer that I am, I always love to try something new. I recently had the great pleasure of being able to try some of Grandma’s Pure and Natural Soap. Grandma’s Pure and Natural Soap is a company based in Tulsa, Oklahoma where Grandma has been making soap since 2002. And it’s fabulous!!!
Their Grandma’s Lye Soap looked like a good standard hard bar that I always use with my family, one of those you always need to have around your house (I love new soaps). So I wanted to try something different, something I don’t make myself. So I requested the:
- Acne Bar with Thyme
- Don’t Bug Me Bar
- Poison Ivy and Oak Bar
My first impression was that each bar is a nice hard bar. My son and I have been using the Acne Bar for the past few weeks and we’ve barley made a dent in it, which is what you want in a nice lye soap bar.
The next thing I noted was, of course, the ingredients. These soaps are made with great oils and no toxic chemicals, a must for anything you’re putting on your skin.
Acne Bar with Thyme
My son has hit puberty and the face break outs have begun. I was really excited to try out the Acne Bar with Thyme.

Thyme is a great natural antibacterial oil. A lot of people have bad acne because they are concerned with washing off the dirt and oils, but not considering the bacterial growth. Thyme naturally kills bacteria as you wash, and helps you heal all the faster. Also, the bar has a slight texture to it as well which will help exfoliate.
My face did not feel dried out, and any issues I was having cleared up very quickly. My son is having a constant battle, so it did not make everything disappear on him overnight. But, I did notice that it is looking much better! I’m really excited to see how he does after another week!! He doesn’t like when I use essential oils directly around his nose because of the strong smell, but this soap smells so mild he uses it without a question.
Don’t Bug Me Bar

This bar smells nice and strong of citronella. I literally took it out onto the back porch with us when we went out for a few days and set it on a table near us. Like all soaps, the initial smell fades a little, but is rejuvenated when you wash with it. I had my kids wash their hands with it when they went out in the evening. I am seriously making sure I have this with me when we go camping! Everyone is going to bathe with it then. It will be perfect. I can’t believe I never thought of making a soap for camping or working in the garden, or for going on hikes. It would be perfect to bathe ahead of time with the Don’t Bug Me Bar before those fun days.
Poison Ivy and Oak Bar
I requested this soap because my sister-in-law had been into poison ivy repeatedly on their new property and was miserable. She had already taken steroids because it was on almost every inch of her body, but was still miserable. We went to visit them and as they were showing us around I noticed a ton more poison ivy that we were walking around, so I was happy to give her the bar to try out. She was very excited to see that it has Jewel Weed in it; known for counteracting poison ivy. She tried it and later told me that it definitely helped soothe the itching and heal her more quickly.

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