It’s finally here! I’ve said to myself, “Forget the self consciousness and just publish the video.” So here it is, a soap making video tutorial: Soap Making Tools, focusing…of course, on tools needed for making your own cold process soap.
One of the first things that I got stuck on when just beginning to make soap was what exactly to use.
Can I use any old pot, or do I need a special kind? Do I need some kind of fancy stick blender (I know, they’re not fancy, but they are if you’ve never had one), or can I just use a whisk or hand mixer?
What about measuring? Do I use a measuring cup, just throw it in without worrying about it, or be really specific with a scale? Do I need a digital thermometer, or is a cheaper candy thermometer good enough?
Those are just a few of the questions that I had at the beginning. I hope I am able to answer all of these and other questions for you in this Soap Making Tools video.
In this video, I have gathered all of my tools and do a quick walk through discussing what I use and why.
You don’t have to do things just like me. I’m just trying to give you a general idea to try and make your life easier. It helps me a lot to see something done. I guess I’m a very visual learner.
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Video Tutorial: Soap Making Tools
So, what are your questions? If you’ve made soap before and do things differently, what do you use? We’d love to hear from you and learn from your wisdom as well so please leave a comment below.
Also, check out my soaps in my shop.
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