A number of you have asked about homemade natural toothpaste over the past few months. I’m happy to share with you what we use and love. I recently shared multiple ways to remineralize your teeth (click here to read about that) and Oil Pulling. These are great methods, but I understand that many of you are looking for a toothpaste that’s similar to store bought because it’s what you’re used to or because you’re trying to convince your husband and children to give it a try. These 3 options below should fill that need. Use the one that works best for you and your family.

I used to use Tom’s of Maine thinking that the ingredients were natural and better, that it was worth the extra cost. After further investigation, I no longer think there is enough of a difference to justify the cost. Now, there are better and worse ingredients, but it’s not like one brand is great and the other is horrible. There’s not that much of a difference.
So, we decided to make our own. It’s not difficult at all. It costs very little, and it works. Win Win!
Coconut is a great oil. It has very little taste and is full of great minerals like potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese and selenium. The oil in this recipe helps to cleanse your mouth and re-mineralize your teeth,
Baking soda whitens and neutralizes the acids that cause dental caries. Adding essential oils also helps to cleanse and make the toothpaste taste great.
Hydrogen Peroxide creates a chemical reaction in your mouth helping to loosen bacteria and help cleanse.
Bentonite Clay is negatively ionically charged; meaning that it attracts positively charged bacteria and toxins to be rinsed away.
I do not like to use salt, as I see it as too abrasive. I also do not use glycerin, because there is discussion that glycerin may block your teeth from re-mineralizing. Until I learn more, I don’t use it.
3 Homemade Natural Toothpaste Recipes
With each of these recipes, add more coconut oil to make it thinner, more baking soda to make it thicker, according to your preference. I like to make mine thin-ish so I can drizzle it with a spoon over my toothpaste (no contact, keeping it sterile).
1) Coconut Toothpaste
- 3 tablespoons coconut oil
- 3 tablespoons baking soda
- 10 drops of peppermint, citrus, or cinnamon leaf
- Warm coconut oil so that it melts (above 76 degrees F.).
- Combine all ingredients in a small dish, or us a small tube like this one.
2) Hydrogen Peroxide Toothpaste
- 2 Tablespoons coconut oil
- 3 Tablespoons baking soda
- 1 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide
- 10 drops peppermint, citrus, or cinnamon leaf
- Warm coconut oil so that it melts (above 76 degrees F.).
- Combine all ingredients in a small dark dish (to preserve the hydrogen peroxide), or us a small tube like this one.
3) Bentonite Clay Toothpaste
- 3 tablespoons coconut oil
- 3 tablespoons bentonite clay
- 2 tablespoons filtered water
- 10 drops peppermint, citrus, or cinnamon leaf
- Warm coconut oil so that it melts (above 76 degrees F.).
- Combine coconut oil and clay.
- Add water slowly until you get the consistency that you want.
- Place in a small dish, or us a small tube like this one.

I am obviously not a dentist, so do your own research please. Talk to your dentist if you have questions.
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