I can often feel overwhelmed with all of the bad news we hear. Then something comes along that just makes me sigh a happy sigh and renews hope. How are animals helping people? Well, these are not just your every day animals, but happen to be super cute, super soft, and extra cuddly.

I was sponsored to perform a review on Bears for Humanity and was given 3 stuffed animals to do so. This post does contain an affiliate link for Amazon below (as well as Free Shipping etc. so check it out).
Bears for Humanity is one of those programs that impacted me in a way where I could say: there are programs out there that are working to get people on their feet at the same time as blessing others. I wanted to make sure you knew about them, especially since I know a lot of you are buying for birthday parties and even purchasing and hiding away those Christmas gifts already.
3 Reasons to Use Bears For Humanity
1. Buy One, Give One Program
Bears for Humanity have a Buy One, Give One Program where for every animal you purchase, another is given to a child in need. They have partnered with Toys for Tots, Children’s Hospitals and more to make sure these little Animals go to a child in poverty or with an illness.

2. Assembled in the USA through the Welfare to Work Program.

Bears for Humanity works with California’s welfare system to get people back into the workplace instead of staying on welfare. This is a wonderful way to help encourage people and improve upon communities.
3. They Use Organic Fair Trade Materials
Most of us have questioned the odd feeling of our child’s very cheap stuffed animal that they cuddle with at night. With reports of questionable materials and toxicities in stuffed animals materials, I think this is an important point. Bears for Humanity uses 100% GOTS Certified Organic materials and Global Fair Trade practices.
For Those of You Who Are Inspired..
- Share this on Twitter, Facebook, etc. using the hashtag #BearsForHumanity so people can find out more.
- Take advantage of Free Shipping until the end of August using the code: FREESHIPPING4MOM
- WHERE? You can purchase any one of these critters in two places:
- Amazon: Click Here to Go to Amazon
- Bears for Humanity Website: http://www.bearsforhumanity.com/
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