I get a lot of requests for liquid soap. I’ve been making my own versions from soap scraps for years. Making into an antibacterial hand soap is a simple process. The end product is a creamy, great smelling hand soap with anti-bacterial properties derived from essential oils.

So let’s get started!
There are other ways to make hand soap, like using potassium hydroxide instead of sodium hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide (lye) changes oil into soap molecules, and the end result is hard soap. Potassium hydroxide does the same thing, but the soap will be soft.
Since I already have ingredients for my usual cold and hot processing soap recipes, I follow these steps:
- Make or use already made cold or hot process soap bars (find some in my shop if you aren’t a soap maker yet).
- Shave the bars into water and melt.
- Cool and allow to gel.
- Blend and you’re ready to go!
Making hand soap this way is 100% natural, pure, utilizes essential oil fabulous-ness, and is frugal because of the amount it makes.
Simple steps! I’ll outline the steps in detail below.
Antibacterial Essential Oils
There are many studies that show the efficacy of essential oils against viral and bacterial strains. H1N1 and Herpes strains have been tested, as well as effects on decongestion, bronchial muscle relaxation (so you can breathe better) and other benefits. See Boost Your Immune System for more details.
Some great Antibacterial Essential Oils are:
You have a few options. Either make soap with these essential oils (Get my thieves soap here.), or add the essential oils to the liquid hand soap after it is made.

DIY Antibacterial Hand Soap
- 4 homemade natural soap bars (approx. 4 ounces each)
- One gallon of filtered water
- 5 drops tea tree essential oil
- 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 5 drops clove essential oil
- 5 drops rosemary essential oil
- 5 drops oregano essential oil
- large pot that can hold at least one gallon of water
- cheese grater
- whisk
- stick blender
- Take four bars of soap (4 ounces each) and grate them into a pot holding one gallon of filtered water.
- Turn pot on low heat. Whisk soap gently when it begins to melt until it is fully melted and combined. Try not to make any more bubbles than necessary.
- When soap is fully melted and incorporated, remove from burner and allow to cool to room temperature.
- Add essential oils and blend with a stick blender. Keep blender submersed so you don’t make extra bubbles.
- Place soap in the freezer until it gels, but it not frozen solid. It will be very thick and spring back like jello.
- Insert stick blender and blend until the soap has a lovely creamy texture. I store my soap in a gallon jug and pour into hand pumps in bathrooms as needed.
So, like I said, very simple. Melt grated soap into water, cool it, blend it, and you’re ready to go!
If you don’t have healthy natural soap on hand, I have a lot of varieties in my shop.
You can even use the thieves soap to make your antibacterial hand soap without needing to add any extra essential oils (even more frugal!).
Here are another few recipes you may enjoy:

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