In my search to do all things natural, this is a topic I thought needed to be addressed. There are some good products out there that are not as toxic as you may believe, but I wanted a completely natural dandruff remedy and something that’s even healthy!
I’ve since tried a few methods and talked to some other people who have tried them and we are really happy with the results.
First, it’s good to try to figure out why you have dandruff. Sometimes it’s poor general health. Other times it may be over use of certain shampoos and conditioners and your scalp is reacting to the chemicals, ph balance, or being over-stripped of natural oils.
So what can you do?
1. Switch to natural hair products
This will help your scalp to heal and be nourished by natural oils. It will also stop it from being stripped of natural oils and eventually (usually 2-4 weeks) help your scalp to find its stride, so to speak, where oil production will adjust to normal natural washing. This also means no more oily head that has to be washed daily!! Yea! Here are some natural recipes:
- Homemade Shampoo Bars
- Herbal Hair Rinses
- Use Essential oils to protect hair form the iron or blow dryer
- Homemade Conditioner and Detangler
- If you must buy, check to see what’s better than most.
2. Essential Oils
Sometimes a yeast or fungus is to blame and one of the best things you can do for your scalp is use essential oils.
- Melaleuca (tea tree) essential oil is antibacterial and anti-fungal and will help purify your scalp (Side note: it’s also great for getting rid of lice).
- Rosemary is very healing for the scalp and helps hair follicles to cleanse and work properly.
- Manuka oil – Manuka oil is from a bush in New Zealand and is very anti-fungal and great for healing skin.
- Other recommendations are lavender, lemon, eucalyptus, and birch essential oils. These are recommended for their skin healing or ant-fungal properties.
Dandruff Remedy
- 4 ounces sweet almond oil , 1/4 cup
- 10 drops tea tree essential oil
- 5 drops lavender essential oil
- 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 5 drops rosemary essential oil
- Combine oils.
- Rub into scalp.
- Let set for 15 minutes.
- Rinse if necessary.
3. Aloe Vera Gel with Essential Oils
Aloe vera has its own essential oils, but you can enhance it by adding 5 drops tea tree oil to 1 Tbsp aloe vera. Massage into scalp and let rest for a few minutes before rinsing out (Find Organic Aloe Vera Here).
4. Infused Oils
You can infuse coconut oil or olive oil with comfrey and nettle. Olive oil and coconut oil are both great for the skin, so use either one you like. Comfrey is known for being anti-inflammatory, a topical pain reliever, and an astringent. Nettle has been traditionally used for hair issues such a improvement of overall skin health, as well as dandruff.
- Put 1/2 cup of oil in a mason jar.
- Add 1/4 cup comfrey and/or nettle and let sit in a sunny window sill for up to a month to infuse the oil.
- When ready, massage some of the oil into your scalp and leave overnight if possible. If not, then leave for as long as possible and then wash out. Have some baking soda handy to help take oiliness out if necessary (put a little in your hand and rub through hair).
5. Herbal Rinse
After you’ve treated your hair with some of the above methods, use an herbal hair rinse. You can find 9 great recipes Here. Wash your hair with a natural shampoo, then massage a handful of the rinse into your scalp. Let stand for 15 minutes and rinse.
6. Make sure you are eating right.
Eat real food with good fats and stay away from the sugar.
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