So Many people fight a losing battle with acne and it’s an understatement to say that it effects their self esteem and confidence. I have found some amazing Natural Remedies for Acne and am so happy to pass them along to you.

I am at that stage of life where I have teenagers and have many friends with teenagers. Time and again friends have come to me to ask for help with their kids or their own adult acne; friends who want natural remedies for acne. Moms, so worried about their young girls, or teens themselves asking me for something different to try. They had tried one acne cream or medication after another and were incredibly discouraged. Many of them found the relief that they were searching for after making some key changes.
Understand Why Acne Occurs
Acne occurs for a variety of reasons, most common are:
- reaction to food allergy
- reaction to chemicals in laundry soap
- reaction to chemicals in makeup, lotion, or other bath and beauty product
- clogged pores due to bacteria and dirt
- clogged pores due to overproduction of sebum (natural oil produced by skin)
The last point needs some clarification. People usually overproduce sebum when hormones are imbalanced. This is common during teen years, after childbirth, during times of excess stress, and during menopause.
You need to find out WHY you or your loved one is having acne. Quite often it is NOT due to one cause. Instead, teens who would normally have very little issues with acne are struggling significantly because they are bombarding their face with makeup, chemically laden lotions, creams and soaps. On top of that, they have a poor diet and their skin does not have the resources to overcome the damage being inflicted upon it and balance hormones correctly.
Natural Remedies for Acne
Remedy #1: Eliminate a toxic environment!
This is Number One. I have seen almost all teens I have worked with obtain beautifully clear skin simply by eliminating toxins from their beauty routine. If you or your loved one is suffering from Acne, make the effort to invest in:
- Cold Processed Soap with no fragrances except essential oils and no unnatural coloring
- Natural Makeup – be careful of mineral makeups because they also have irritating ingredients, including some ingredients considered to be cancerous (like titanium dioxide). They may fight you, but the best thing they can do is go makeup free until their skin clears. Find Natural Makeup Here.
- Pure Lotions – lotions are often the number one cosmetic cause for acne. Before switching to a homemade shea lotion recipe, it did not matter if the lotion said it was non-comedogenic. My face broke out. After switching to shea butter lotion I have no more breakouts! Simple, right?
Remedy #2: Eat Real Food
These are not easy, so you have to measure your desire and motivation. If you are ready to have fabulous skin, then you must be ready to make the effort toward natural remedies for acne! Take off the toxic beauty products and start eating right.
Studies have shown that cutting out sugar and fried foods are key to having beautiful skin, but why? The answer is not that a cookie and fried chicken will give you zits. The answer is that bad oils that are GMO round-up ready, highly overused, rancid, and high in Omega 6s, and foods high in sugars destroy your immune system and creates an imbalance in your endocrine system.
Eat to Live, and Don’t Live to Eat
Start by looking at the ingredients of foods you eat most. Get out your phone and learn what each ingredient is and how it’s processed. The shorter the list, the less it has probably been processed and the more real the food will be. If you don’t know or if it is questionable, don’t eat it. Start getting healthy by eating healthy, real ingredients. THEN, you can start adding good foods. Fuel your body with what it needs and your skin (your largest organ) will thank you.
Remedy #3: Acne Detox Soap
This soap has helped a lot of people already and I’m so happy to give you the recipe (Click Here). The fact that it is a natural soap is a huge plus, but it also has activated charcoal and tea tree oil. Activated charcoal is known to draw impurities from the skin and speed healing, while tea tree oil kills bacteria so that skin can begin to heal. If you don’t want to make it, you can find it here.
Remedy #4: Green Tea
If you know that your hormones are imbalanced, then green tea is a known substance that helps to curb that overproduction of sebum (natural oil produced by your skin). Buy some organic green tea, steep it and let it cool. Use a cotton ball to soak up some of the tea and then dab it on your problem areas. This should not dry out your skin, so you should be able to do this daily if you wish.
Remedy #5: Aloe Vera Liquid
Aloe is very calming. If you have acne that is inflamed and irritated, then dabbing some whole leaf aloe vera can calm and sooth your skin, speeding the healing process. Why whole leaf, because the juice part on the inside is mainly water and you will lose a lot of the vitamins by only using the inside.
Remedy#6: Witch Hazel
Witch Hazel should not be ignored. It is a powerful anti inflammatory that also kills bacteria so that your cells can heal and rejuvenate. It is an astringent so that after cleansing it will help wide pores to close and protect the cells within. You should use a non-alcohol witch hazel so that your skin does not dry out and stressed more than it already is.
I make a skin toner that is made with rose water, non-alcohol witch hazel, and essential oils. You can Find the Recipe HERE.
Remedy #7: Clay Mask
Clay masks are a wonderful way to deeply cleanse pores, soothe and smooth skin, shrink pores, and balance oils. I use bentonite clay, aloe, and anti bacterial essential oils for the strongest effect. You can find a recipe Here, or buy some here.

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