There are so many products that we use on our hair on a daily or weekly basis. This chemical overload can quickly impact our health. Natural Hair DIYs can lift that chemical load from your brain, skin, liver and bloodstream and also help the environment by cutting down on plastics (not to mention supporting small businesses).

Natural Hair DIY Benefits
There are so many benefits to making your own hair products:
1. It’s Healthier
You are in charge of the ingredients you are putting on and therefore into your body. Never forget that your scalp will absorb almost all of the ingredients put onto your hair. Never think of ingredients in isolation. We come into contact with so many when we put on makeup, lotions, the water we drink, the air we breathe, even our furniture, carpets, computers, and phones have fire retardant sprays on them that we absorb into our skin.
It’s easy to look at the ingredients on a label and think, “That’s not too bad.” But remember that those ingredients are not the only thing your encounter that your liver has to deal with on a daily basis. So little by little (don’t be overwhelmed) try changing a few habits so that you can lighten that chemical load on your system.
The FDA is not your friend. Though some wonderful, amazing people work there, the upper management are in the pocket of large corporations and very few ingredients are regulated within cosmetic industry. On one side that’s a good thing because it allows more freedom to the people. On the other side, people are trusting and think if it’s on the shelf it’s safe. Not so! Do your research!
2. It’s Frugal
There are always start up costs anytime you start a new craft, project or try a new set of recipes. The great thing is that it’s easy to buy small AND a ton of the ingredients can be used for other DIY natural beauty projects. That powder or liquid or clay will NOT go to waste when you start down the natural beauty product path. It ends up being much cheaper. I cannot tell you when the last time I even went down an isle for hair, tooth, lotion, or other bath and body products.
3. It’s Fun and Self Sustaining!
Making your own products gives you a great opportunity to make things with friends and share with friends. You don’t have to stop at hair. Have a party where everyone chips in and makes lotion, face masks, sugar scrubs, face cleansers, toners, even makeup!
I’m always experimenting with tweaking recipes to make them better or change them to fit a different need. You’ll become more self sufficient and help your friends become more self sufficient and less reliant on going to the store.
During Corona virus lockdown, I didn’t need to go to the store for toothpaste, hair products, or even have to wait to highlight my hair because I’m used to making my own products. Just like learning to bake a cake and ice it, you too can learn one thing at a time until it’s a no stressor, easy thing to add to your skills and abilities.

9 Natural Hair DIYs
Here are a bunch of fun ideas that really work and are easy projects. Have fun and let me know if you have any questions.
Hair Dye and Highlighting
You don’t have to wait for a hair dresser, you can highlight and even dye your whole head with natural products using herbs and tried and true methods that have been used for centuries. Learn More Here.
DIY Hairspray
I love this hairspray. It works wonderfully without buildup or any toxic chemicals or fragrances. Get the recipe here.
DIY Hair Gel
Yes, I’ve even made my own hair gel. We’ve used it for many an event and it holds and looks wonderful. Get the recipe here.
Dry Shampoo
Want to freshen up between washes? Natural dry shampooing helps to soak up the excess oils and give your hair a fresh just washed look that’s great if you’re transitioning from washing your hair daily to more manageable time intervals (If you’re washing your hair daily because of oil then between the products you use and the frequency you’ve trained your body to put out that much oil). Get the recipes and method here.
Natural Detangler
Detanglers can also add to the chemical load on your body. Learn how to make your own here.
Dandruff Relief
There are a number of reasons why someone suffers from mild to severe dandruff. Learn more about what you can do and make an essential oil blend recipe here.
Shampoo Bars
Natural shampoo bars are made with the cold or hot process soap making method. If you are unfamiliar with making soap, then start with How to Make Soap and then check out the multiple recipes that I have on my website, like these recipes.
Conditioner Bars
I have 2 conditioner bar recipes to choose from. the first is a great recipe, but is a little more difficult to learn how to use the proper proportions when conditioning your hair (Get the recipe here.). The second is a little more complicated to make, but is easier to use and fits more hair types (Get the recipe here).
Hair Rinse
If making a conditioner bar or shampoo bars seems too overwhelming, often an herbal hair rinse is all you need. Learn how and get all the recipes here.
If you’d like to find more bath and body recipes, use the search button in the menu above, or go to my Natural Beauty page for a full list of recipes.
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