Natural Health remedies, guides, and recipes using herbs, essential oils, and real food.
I recently had someone ask me to make them a postpartum spray for the perineum. I immediately wanted to research which essential oils would be the most skin soothing while aiding in healing. Some essential oils and herbs can increase bleeding, which is NOT what you want while trying to heal after a pregnancy. Doing...
I have had Lyme disease for about 30 years. I remember being around 10 years old when my mom would rub my legs at night before I could fall asleep because they hurt so bad. Back then there was not the testing that we have these days for many different diseases, parasites, and conditions. In...
We are notorious for wanting a quick fix. Give me something that will instantly make me feel better, be fit, be happy, relieved from all stress, organized, and satisfied. In truth, all of those things are complex and require work. For example, happiness, joyfulness, being satisfied, and better dealing with stress happens for those who...
I called this an elderberry cough syrup recipe, because we’re so used to saying the phrase “cough syrup”. But this recipe is actually an oxymel. I’ve chosen an oxymel because alcohol extractions can be difficult for children to swallow. My daughter takes an alcohol extraction for allergy relief in the Spring and makes a big...
I believe that everything we do, whether it be helping someone in need or scrubbing toilets, should be done to the glory of God if you are a follower of Jesus. It all matters. How does cleaning glorify God? Well, why are you cleaning? When you detox your home, you keep an atmosphere that is...
Putting together your favorite drink combinations using herbs you know are healthy can be super fun and delicious. Sometimes it’s finding the best combination. You may learn that a particular herb makes great herbal detox drinks and yet find that it’s too bitter or strong for your taste. Instead of giving up on that herb,...
The basic understanding of how to make a salve is very beneficial. I’ve put together an herbal salve recipe and instructions on how to make an herbal salve.After all, there are SO many reasons to make a salve in the first place! Here’s a short list of reasons you may want to make a salve:...
Most of us know that sleep is important. We’ve read articles, been told varying facts, or just know how crummy we feel when we get less sleep than usual. Sometimes, even when we know we need to get better sleep, we don’t do what’s needed to make sure we get it. Are we just not...
Sun damage can cause a host of unwanted results. Even in small children studies have shown that damage can occur that will only show up later in life. Treating sun damage immediately can lessen the pain of a sunburn, but can also seed healing. That’s why having a natural sunburn relief spray made up and...
Kombucha has many amazing benefits for the body. I went into detail about these benefits in 8 Benefits of Kombucha Tea. It is a fermented tea that is full of probiotics (those good gut bacteria), vitamins, and minerals. Make sure you read all about it. You need to know how to make Kombucha so you...
When it comes to talking about the benefits of Kombucha, people are usually in 3 categories: they’ve never heard of kombucha (“Scoby what?”), they’ve tasted a friend’s batch of Kombucha but know little about it, or they make their own and love to talk about all the varieties they make and its benefits if you...
Cayenne Salve has been used for joint and muscle pain for centuries. It’s a remedy that my grandmother had passed down to her from her own grandmother, and one I’ve learned over the years as well. This Cayenne Salve Recipe is easy to make and use, and it is very effective. Why Cayenne? Cayenne naturally...
Allergy season has come early for us this year. We’ve had a very warm winter and where we usually don’t start feeling allergy symptoms until the end of April, and all through May. This year we’re already feeling it, making my extra research so that we can use essential oils for allergies right on time....
Frankincense is truly an amazing resin. Last week I told you what frankincense is, where it comes from, and how almost two hundred studies to date have shown that it is highly beneficial to the human body: Frankincense Benefits and Types. The next question is, of course, what are the ways to use frankincense? What...
Frankincense has been in the news for the past few years, gaining popularity among those looking for alternative health remedies. Universities in Europe and the United States have been doing research to give more credit to claims of tumor reduction in cancer patients, lowering inflammation, and other natural health benefits. I’ve had so many questions...